

We hope you're delighted with your new purchase. However, if you're not completely satisfied, you can return the item to us in its original, unused condition within 14 days of receipt for a full refund or exchange.

To return your item, please send it to the address below, including a note with your order number and your refund/exchange request. Once we receive the item, it can take up to 7-10 working days to process the return.

Christmas 2024

Please note we offer an extended returns window for gifts. Orders placed from Nov 1st can be returned for a full refund up until 06/01/2025.

Return Address:

Olive and Frank
121 Caldy Road
CH48 1LP

Goods will only be accepted for a refund if they are returned within 14 working days of being received unless we have notified you otherwise.

Please note that we cannot cover the cost of return postage, and the item remains your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, we recommend using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods.

Returned items should be unused, unworn, and in their original packaging.

If you're returning an item from outside of the UK, please specify the contents of your package as 'RETURNED GOODS' on your customs declaration.

If you need any further assistance, please contact us at:

Thank you!